31 مرداد 1402
زمان مورد نیاز برای مطالعه : 8 دقیقه
' 8
 Types of tiles

For a long time, one of the most widely used materials for covering floors and walls in various environments, especially in our country, Iran, has been tile. Tiles are not limited to just one model these days.

Fortunately, the variety of quality as well as design and color in these materials has increased a lot. This makes it very easy to use them for different purposes. But in general, for every environment and space, it is necessary to use a special type of tiles.

1. Porcelain tile

One of the types of tiles is porcelain tile. Because porcelain tiles are baked at high temperature, they have high density and resistance. This issue also makes this type stronger and harder than other types.

Other advantages of this tile include its beauty, easy maintenance, high resistance to wear and the ability to be used in high-traffic environments. Of course, the porcelain handle is also not liked by many people due to reasons such as weight, high price, and difficult installation and repair process.

2. Mosaic tile

These tiles are available in two types of porcelain and ceramic. Mosaic tiles are made in square shape and in sizes of 2.5 square centimeters.

This type of tile can be used as tiles between cabinets or short walls, as well as bathroom floors, swimming pools, etc. Mosaic tiles are visually very beautiful. They are easy to install. They are also compatible with the environment and are very easy to maintain and clean.

The disadvantages of mosaic tiles include slippery surface and high cost.

3. Paving tiles

These types of tiles usually have an appearance similar to bricks and belong to the category of floor tiles or floor ceramics. Of course, these tiles are thinner in terms of thickness. Paving tiles are an excellent choice for covering bathroom floors, buildings and patios.

These tiles will also maintain their color and appearance against direct sunlight. Of course, these floorings have disadvantages such as high price and high probability of breakage due to sudden impacts and high pressure.

4. Brick tile

These tiles can be considered one of the most used types of tiles. The reason for naming this category is because of their similarity to bricks. These tiles are usually used in interior and exterior wall tiles and if they are arranged correctly, they add a special beauty to the environment.

Also, in this model, there is no need to tie to install tiles and they can be installed even on old surfaces. Other advantages of this category include variety of designs and colors, very low water absorption, easy washing and low purchase cost. The only disadvantage of this category is that it is a copy and has less thickness compared to brick.

5. Glazed tile

A glass layer is actually placed on these tiles after construction for more care and ease of cleaning. These tiles are used to cover different spaces such as washrooms, bathrooms, kitchens, etc.

The strength of these floor coverings can be seen in their variety of designs and colors. It should be noted that if there are impurities in the tiles, the glaze will be eaten by these materials.

6. Unglazed tiles

This type of tile actually has all the characteristics of mineral tiles. The strength of mineral tiles can only be considered slightly higher. These types do not have a shiny surface and this has made many people not interested in using them for different spaces.

7. Mineral tile

These types of tiles are unglazed and must be sealed for use in humid environments. Mineral tiles are mostly used in commercial centers. The high durability and low price of these tiles have made them an excellent choice for various uses.

In this category, they may not have the gloss and smooth surface of glazed tiles.

8. Mexican tile

Mexican or saltio tile is made without firing and simply by exposure to air. This category will usually attract the attention of many people in terms of appearance. Mexican tiles also need sealing for installation.

9. Ceramic tile

Clay or similar minerals are usually used to make this category. Finally, glazing and processing of these tiles is done using heat. This category is also available in glazed and non-glazed varieties.

For this reason, they can be easily obtained with the characteristics of glazed and unglazed tiles.


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رفع مسئولیت

مطالب بخش سبک زندگی « دسـ تو دسـ » در حوزه‌های پزشکی، تغذیه، روانشناسی، سلامت و زیبایی و تناسب اندام تنها جنبه‌ی اطلاع‌رسانی دارند و هرگز نباید جایگزین مراجعه به پزشک یا مشاور متخصص شوند . تیم تحریریه‌ی « دسـ تو دسـ » همواره در تلاش است با استفاده از منابع معتبر مطالبی به‌روز و مفید در اختیار مخاطبانش قرار دهد، اما با توجه به حساسیت زیاد حوزه‌های مرتبط با سلامت افراد، هیچ گاه توصیه نمی‌کند که از محتوای این مطالب بدون مشورت پزشک یا مشاور متخصص استفاده شود. در غیر این صورت مسئولیت عواقب احتمالی بر عهده‌ی خود فرد خواهد بود « دسـ تو دسـ » اکیدا توصیه می‌کند برای تشخیص، درمان یا تسکین هر گونه مشکل جسمی و روانی پیش از هر چیز با پزشک متخصص مشورت کنید و در صورت تایید ایشان توصیه‌های موجود در مطالب « دسـ تو دسـ » را به کار بگیرد و با توجه به آنچه گفته شد، « دسـ تو دسـ » مسئولیت هر گونه استفاده‌ی نادرست از محتوای این رسانه را که منجر به بروز مشکل یا عارضه‌ای برای فرد شود از خود سلب می‌کند

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